Saturday, February 26, 2011

Adelaide Fringe Festival Frenzy

Well... Happy fringe everybody. I hope you’re all having lovely drunken, sleep deprived lives at the moment, as is the requirement of February / March in this fine state. 

If you are looking for show recommendations please look no further than the fantastic ‘Short back and sides’ blog by the lovely gadabout Mr Ian Bell (Dj Ian to most of you). This man is out and about just about every night, (maybe every night?) and so has kindly started a blog to sort the wheat from the chaff on your behalf.

I was also wondering if the Adelaideans amongst us know that Tuxedo Cat is still hip and happening as a venue? I had seen it listed several times and was working under the false assumption that it was still on the rooftop in Synagogue place. Not so! Apparently that site has been turned into apartments, or something equally as unappealing.

The new venue is in a gutted building directly across the road from the Adelaide Town Hall. Marked by an unassuming black and white sign on the footpath this space is an amazing playground for all your favourite ghostly fantasies. The beer garden can also be accessed from Waymouth st (I think it’s that paved area just next to the Advertiser building) where all of your drinking requirements can be met from a caravan and your cigarettes can be butted in colourful plastic dog bowls.

I was fortunate enough to hang some artwork on the second floor yesterday, along with the wonderful Anna Goodhind and Sally Kitten who organised the whole shebang. Get along and check it out, they’re open from 4pm daily.

Happy Fringe-ing folks!!


  1. Knife in my heart! I wish I could be in Radelaide for the Fringe--I was out of town for last year's as well! So sad...
    Have a fabulous Fringe on my behalf, name twin!

  2. i just blew it up and i look kinda spooky...

  3. Like an angel, all back lit. Must be the ghosts x
